Opponents of equality are hell bent on trying to legalize discrimination under the guise of “religious liberty.”
They want to impose their beliefs and prejudices on us by state law. And if Indiana’s law is anything to go by, it’s not just LGBTQ people — it’s women, people of color, immigrants and anyone who they don’t like. Over 100 anti-LGBTQ pieces of legislation have been filed in state legislatures across the country. Join our “Nix It Now” campaign urging politicians to nix Indiana-style blanket discrimination laws immediately.
Current Actions

Do you live in Oklahoma? On Thursday May 19 the Oklahoma Senate passed S 1552, a bill that would make it a felony to perform an abortion in the state! This bill conflicts with federal law, yet it’s currently on the desk of Governor Mary Fallin. This outrageous bill will automatically become law within five days if Fallin doesn’t sign or doesn’t veto. Please URGE Governor Fallin to veto this bill now!

Are you a Missouri resident? Missouri’s anti-LGBTQ Senate Resolution 39, which passed in the Senate last month, is now moving through the House. Please contact your legislators to tell them to nix this bill now.
Recent Actions
Unfortunately, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley did sign House Bill 3134. This bill makes it illegal for a woman to obtain an abortion after her pregnancy reaches 20 weeks.
Are you a South Carolina resident? House Bill 3114, banning abortion at 20 weeks, with no exception for rape or incest. And S 1306, yet another anti-Transgender bathroom bill. The abortion bill is on the governor’s desk right now, and the bathroom bill will undoubtedly reach her desk soon. Please urge Governor Nikki Haley and your legislators to reject these bills now.
South Carolina anti-LGBT bathroom bill, (S)1203 is dead for the year. However, the sponsor of the bill has said that he’ll reintroduce his original legislation next year if he wins re-election.
Do you live in South Carolina? Urge your legislators and Governor Haley to reject Senate Bill (S) 1203. This would prevent transgender people from using public bathrooms, changing rooms and locker rooms that don’t match their biological sex.
On April 18 2016, HB2414 failed after Rep. Susan Lynn, the Republican sponsor of the bill, said she was withdrawing it. She said she was going to wait to see how legal challenges shake out in other states that have passed similar measures.
Are you a resident of Tennessee? Urge your representatives not to sign HB 2414, the so-called “Transgender Student Bathroom Harassment Act.” This law would mandate that students in public schools and public institutions of higher education could only use restrooms and locker rooms according to the gender listed on their birth certificates.
Fortunately, Governor Deal of Georgia did the right thing and vetoed HB757
Do you live in Georgia? Urge Governor Nathan Deal not to sign Georgia HB757, the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act.” This bill would void LGBTQ nondiscrimination policies of ALL companies operating in Georgia.
Unfortunately, Florida SB 110 passed, but SB 724 did not.
Do you live in Florida? Take action! Urge your legislators not to sign SB 110, the anti-equality “Pastor Protection Act.” This legislation duplicates existing protections for clergy and pastors to select who they preside and bless marriage ceremonies for.
Do you live in Florida? Take action now! Urge Governor Scott not to sign law SB 724, which threatens women’s access to safe and legal abortion in Florida. This bill is already on the governor’s desk, and we only have until June 10 before it becomes law.
These three anti-LGBTQ bills passed the House and were signed by Gov. Rick Snyder in June, 2015
Are you a Michigan resident? Urge Governor Rick Snyder to veto HB 4188, 4189, and 4190 when and if they hit his desk. If any of these three bills are signed into law, they’d allow adoption agencies to use “religious liberty” as an excuse to discriminate against prospective LGBTQ parents.
Louisiana’s HB707 did not pass. However, Gov. Bobby Jindal issued an executive order seeking to enforce what this rejected bill sought to accomplish. Many legislators have said that Jindal’s executive order is not really enforceable.
If you live in Louisiana take action now, and send an e-mail to your representative(s) urging them to vote against Louisiana’s HB707.
[…] couples and LGBTQ people. Earlier this year, the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund launched the“Nix It Now”campaign calling on LGBTQ advocates and allies to urge their elected officials to reject […]
[…] and LGBTQ people. Earlier this year, the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund launched the “Nix It Now” campaign calling on LGBTQ advocates and allies to urge their elected officials to reject […]